Here we go verse by verse through first Timothy! Thanks for joining us.

1. Chapter 1:1-2 The four ours, part 1
2. Chapter 1:1-2 The four ours, part 2, end
3. Chapter 1:3-4 Our purpose, part 1
4. Chapter 1:3-4 Our purpose, part 2, end
5. Chapter 1:5-11 Considering the end of the commandment, part 1
6. Chapter 1:5-11, Our goal, end
7. Chapter 1:12-15 The power of the Gospel, Paul’s Testimony
8. Chapter 1:17-20 Praise God, Timothy’s Charge
9. Chapter 2:1 The great exhortation, PRAY!, part 1
10. Chapter 2:2-7, The great exhortation, PRAY! part 2, end, The fullness of Gods desire, part 1